The tours were led by Sisters Brigid McNally (Union),
Marie McGrogan (Union) and Noreen Cullen (Institute) as well as St Mary’s volunteer and Mercy Associate Damian Kerley and Union Sisters of Mercy GB Archivist Jenny Smith. I think we were all struck by the enthusiasm of the crowds visiting, and by the numbers of visitors – almost 90 over the two days. Many were fascinated to see inside a convent and to meet the sisters – something they had never experienced before.
“Brilliant” “informative, enjoyable and good to have an adult cultural experience”
“Very interesting and welcoming – thoroughly enjoyed it”
“This increases my knowledge of the area I live in”
“A valuable opportunity to visit places one otherwise would never get to see, and a chance to learn more about local heritage”
Jenny Smith
Archivist, Union of the Sisters of Mercy of Great Britain
September 2017