For twenty two and a half years Martina and Colette planned, shopped for and prepared Sunday lunch for the resident community, the novices and the many visiting priests, family members and friends. Annually, Vow Day, St Ignatius’ Feastday, Christmas and Easter, and other celebrations were occasions when Colette & Martina produced meals that would satisfy the most challenging palate. Throughout the Society these celebrations are legendary.
The Campion Medal is presented by the Society to individuals who have made a significant contribution to the promotion of the Jesuit ideal. The contribution which Martina and Colette have made to the formation of generations of novices influenced the decision to make the award.
The medal is cast at the Royal Mint, and is awarded only rarely
Music was provided by the Novices, assisted by some of the resident community.
Now after more than twenty years of shopping, preparing and serving meals, Martina and Colette are guests at the weekly Sunday meal.
In 2019 a book of their recipes will be published by Messenger Publications. All the recipes have been tried and tested by themselves over the years. Following painstaking research by Father Dries Van Den Akker, SJ, each recipe has been illustrated and linked to a Scripture event, or a saint or angel. The illustrations and background information will make this recipe book unique and great fun. Graces and other prayers were provided by Father Simon Bishop, SJ (Superior and Novice Master at Manresa House).